
Overcoming Anxiety: The fundamental practices of yoga influence the nervous system and specifically applied yoga techniques to the symptoms of anxiety are amazingly successful. Combined with practices learned to interrupt the flight or fight response, we CAN overcome anxiety. Having specialized training and experience in anxiety conditions, I offer a comprehensive private program to do just that.


Practices designed for and applied specifically for trauma recovery help us re-friend our bodies, with self-regulation of negative thoughts and feelings, reduces stress, improves sleep, gives us a sense of empowerment and control, etc., which in turn creates wellbeing and improved quality of life.

Want to learn more about reducing anxiety and/or overcoming trauma?

Let’s Chat. Book a Complimentary Consultation Call Here.


“Alicia has been great to work with. I really enjoy our sessions and I am learning so much. She is very in tune with my goals and has been very encouraging... It truly has been a great experience overall!”

Jennifer R.